Humans have an evolutionary inclination to affiliate with their natural environment. It is vital that we maintain a respectful relationship to the world beyond ourselves of which we are a part. Encouraging interconnectivity to our natural community has never been more important than it is today. Haas Habitats seek to satisfy our inherent adaptations to nature with our biophilic blueprint that goes beyond stringent strategies that are considered good or bad. Our design process does more that bring the outdoors in by implementing biophilic principles into each home. We do this in 4 sensory steps to soothe and support occupant senses and allow the natural world to permeate from within. This has measurable human health benefits and encourages sustainable building solutions for our earth.


All human homes transform the natural environment in the process of inhabiting it; therefore no building method is perfect. It is essential that we continually evolve and educate ourselves on the road to net zero in order to protect and preserve our earth. A net zero home is defined as a dwelling that produces as much energy through renewable resources (solar, wind or earth) as it consumes. Haas Habitats combine advanced design strategies, superior building systems and building science (energy modeling) to create exceptionally air tight, well insulated, energy efficient homes that are certified by the Department of Energy (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Home Certification Program. We successfully satisfy Net Zero goals by implementing a series of sustainable building steps.